Guess This Wordle
Information Topics
General Info
This Guess
General Info:
1. You need to pick a 'Display Name' before you can use this site. This name is used to identify you to your friends and to keep track of your challenge statistics. Use any name that your friends will recognize as you ('Mike G' might be better than just 'Mike'). Your name will NOT be unique across all our users.
2. At your first visit, we create your User ID (e.g., '6F7E3'). Make a note of this code. You can use it to sync your user data across multiple devices, or to restore your identity if your device loses its 'Cookie'.
Challenge Page:
To challenge a friend:
1. Select whether you want to play with 4, 5 or 6 letter words.
2. Enter your challenge word.
[When we play, we only use words that we actually know. It's no fun trying to solve a Wordle when the word is "ARECA" or "AVELS"!]
3. Click "Build". If it's not a valid word, we'll tell you.
4. Copy the URL that we create for you, and paste it into a text or email to your "victim(s)".
5. When your recipient gets the message, they can simply click on the URL and start the Wordle challenge.
To challenge yourself:
Click 'Challenge Me'. Your challenge word will be selected randomly from our list of thousands of common words and you will be redirected to the This Guess page.
This Guess Page:
1. Enter a guess word. If it's not a valid word, we'll tell you.
2. Play as you might expect, until you solve or bust.
3. The 'Stats' tab will be updated to include this attempt.
4. If this was a 'Challenge Yourself, the 'Results' tab will also be updated.
Results Page:
1. All attempts to solve your challenges are displayed.
2. The 'Solver' column shows the Display Name of the person attempting your challenge, or 'Myself' if this was a Challenge Me.
3. By default the display is sorted by most recent first, by you can sort by any column by clicking on the column name.
Stats Page:
1. Your success in solving challenges is summarized.
2. Only games that are completed (success or failure) are included.
User Page:
1. If you aleady play GuessThisWordle on one device (e.g., your computer) and you want to maintain your identity and statistics when using another device (e.g., your smartphone), you can copy your Device ID Code from the first device and paste it into the second device. Your Display Name ans all results will be common across all such devices.
2. On your first visit to GuessThisWordle, you will be asked to enter and save a Display Name. Thereafter, your Display Name will be associated with you User ID.
3. You can change your Display Name at any time, but guesses you made under an earlier display name will appear on the Challenger's Results page under your display name in use at the time of the guesses.
4. A 'Copy Code' button is provided as a convenience if you want a copy of your User ID in your clipboard.
Maintenance Only: